Authorized by Dr. GSK Velu, Chairman – Neuberg Diagnostics
Currently, procedures involving stem cell applications to correct blindness are few and far between. However, there are signs indicating that it could become as common as cataract surgeries. India and many of the developing third-world countries today face serious issues stemming from a large proportion of the population falling prey to blindness. The numbers scale…
Traditionally, doctors often used to depend on the description of the symptoms by the patient for diagnosis and treatment. This was atime when doctors used insight & experience without modern diagnostic tools and hoped that the diagnosis did not miss the mark. From the onset of the 1900s when X-Rays was discovered by Roentgen and…
Healthcare has come a long way. It’s one of the most important fields that have a constant innovation churn which affects both sides of the equation- the patient and the doctor. Smart health, preventive care and telemedicine are taking center stage along with innovation in gene therapy and prenatal care that are positively affecting patient…