Question & Answer

Frequently asked questions

ORION is a Next Generation Sequencing based test where multiple genes are sequenced simultaneously.
Any disorder caused due to defects which are detectable via NGS technology can be analyzed by ORION.
So patients with neurological disorders, cardiac disorders , blood related diseases, inherited cancer can all be analyzed by ORION
This means that all samples registered for ORION, irrespective of indication undergo whole exome sequencing where upto 20,000 genes are sequenced.
When 20,000 genes are sequenced a large number of variations are detected. Many of these variations are observed in genes which are unrelated to patient symptoms and hence understanding their significance is difficult. To minimize these events, we initially limit our analysis to genes relevant to the phenotype.
The analysis is scaled up to whole exome sequencing in negative cases.
Our in-house curation team consisting of clinical geneticists, molecular scientists and genetic counselors prepare a gene list based on details provided by the referring clinician. Genes deemed important by the referring clinician are also included.
Thus for a suspected neurological disorder the ORION is adapted to form (NEU)RION while the same can be adapted into (NEPH)RION for the nephrologist.
Panel testing includes: Sequencing of a pre-designed set of genes.
Requires regular updation to introduce new genes
Limited to genes implicated in a particular phenotype - may overlook phenotype expansion
ORION includes: Whole exome sequencing in all+ AI based gene up-dation on a daily basis
Eases inclusion of new genes in analysis
Allows examination of both well-established as well as recently described genes
Scale up feature to whole exome analysis in negative cases allows diagnosis of atypical cases.
No. Clinical Exome sequencing includes analysis of upto 8,000-9,000 genes when compared to ORION which includes 20,000 genes!
Increasing the number of genes which are tested increases diagnostic potential.
DNA for ORION can be extracted from EDTA- Blood, Amniotic fluid or Placental biopsy.
No, currently ORION does not analyze for copy number variations, triplet repeat expansions, somatic variations and methylation anomalies.
Usually reports are available after 4 weeks of receiving patient data. In case any Query contact us