Currently, procedures involving stem cell applications to correct blindness are few and far between. However, there are signs indicating that it could become as common as cataract surgeries.
India and many of the developing third-world countries today face serious issues stemming from a large proportion of the population falling prey to blindness. The numbers scale in the millions! Without an institutionalized social security system, these citizens sometime lead a debilitating life and end up being a burden on their families.
Over the last decade, there have been several hi-tech innovations in medicine and medical care. While this is true, it’s ironic that these newest innovations are expensive and inaccessible to the public. The affordability-accessibility ratio of stem cell therapy is equally unfavorable. A few smaller players have now put India on the global map of regenerative medicine but there’s a long way to go and much to do.
Stem cells have been seen as manna from heavenfor some time now, with their ability to deal with many a medical condition. But, the cost of some of the therapies and treatments are prohibitive today.