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10 effective psoriasis remedies

Psoriasis is an immune disease that causes red, scaly patches on your skin and affects the knees, elbows or scalp. Although the condition appears on the skin, the root of the problem begins in the immune system. The T-cells in the body, which are a type of white blood cell are created to protect the body from disease. When these cells are falsely activated, they respond by triggering other immune responses which cause psoriasis.


How to treat psoriasis

Psoriasis can range from mild, where only a small area of the skin is affected, to extreme, where there are large, thick areas of red and inflamed skin. Unfortunately, psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory disease and there is no permanent cure for the condition. However, there are many home remedies you can use to effectively treat the skin condition:


  1. Omega-3

Studies show that consuming fish or fish oil that contains omega-3 fatty acids is an effective way to treat psoriasis. Omega-3 is known to reduce inflammation and auto-immune diseases. However, the dosage of omega-3 that should be consumed depends on the severity of psoriasis. Some people may face side effects when they consume fish oil. In this case, you can consume omega-3 in its natural form in fish like salmon and tuna or vegan alternatives like flaxseeds.


  1. Apple-cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has long been known to reduce the inflammation and itching that comes as a result of psoriasis. It also works as a disinfectant as it kills germs and bacteria. You can add a few drops of apple cider vinegar to a cotton ball or paper towel and gently dab on the affected area. However, vinegar tends to burn open areas of the skin so do not use this method if you see cracks in the affected area.


  1. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a traditional form of medicine that has been used for many years. It is the gel extract of the aloe vera plant and is used to cure inflammatory diseases. It provides a cooling sensation to dry, itchy skin and is available as a cream as well. In order to ensure that you get the maximum benefit of the aloe vera gel, you can grow the plant in your house and get the gel straight from the source.


  1. Olive oil

Like fish oil, olive oil is another product that is rich in omega-3. A few drops of olive oil on the affected area is known to reduce inflammation and can help moisturise the skin. If you have psoriasis on your scalp, you can add olive oil to your shower routine. It can also be consumed as an ingredient in your food.


  1. Curcumin

Curcumin is most commonly found in turmeric, which is an ingredient used extensively in Indian cooking. It is known to reduce inflammatory conditions and also lower the severity of psoriasis. It can either be added to your food or taken as a supplement.


  1. Stay away from alcohol

Alcohol is known to help increase the severity of psoriasis or trigger the immune system to produce more T-blood cells. People who consume large amounts of beer are at a greater risk of getting psoriasis than those who don’t.


  1. Radiation from the sun

Sunlight is known to reduce the effects of skin conditions such as psoriasis. However, your skin should only be exposed to the sun a few times a day (around 5-10 minutes) as excessive radiation can be harmful. UVB rays of the sun are beneficial for people who have psoriasis. However, it is recommended to consult your doctor before you use this remedy as some medication can make the skin more sensitive to the sun.


  1. Bath salts

While hot showers can be relaxing, excessive contact with water can remove the natural moisture in the skin and worsen psoriasis. A great way to retain the moisture in the skin is to use bath salts that contain magnesium. This helps hydrate the skin and reduce the itchiness in the affected area. After taking a bath with the salts, you need to apply a gentle cream to retain the moisture in the skin.


  1. Shortening

Vegetable shortening is a type of fat from vegetables that is created in an industrialised process. It is a common ingredient in many foods and is great for skin hydration. You can rub some of the shortening in the affected area to heal dry skin. You can repeat this every 3 hours for a few days until the severity of the rash reduces.


  1. A healthy lifestyle

Leading a healthy lifestyle is essential for any medical condition. Psoriasis can often be the underlying symptom of more severe conditions such as diabetes. Therefore, you must take extra precautions to avoid these health issues. This includes cutting out bad fats from your diet, avoiding sugar, eating fruits and vegetables and getting plenty of exercise and rest. Adopting healthy habits can help prevent any health problems in the future.


Although psoriasis cannot be cured, there are many steps one can take to manage the condition. However, if the symptoms worsen, it is advisable to consult a doctor. An annual preventive health check-up can also help detect and treat any underlying medical conditions early. Neuberg Diagnostics offers numerous preventive health checkups to meet your specific needs.


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